Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 33: Exams and Re-exams

Exams bore me. If it's easy, I will just finish as fast as I can and storm out. If it's hard, I will sit there and laugh at myself, literally. Anybody would've guessed that I am having a good exam when they see me smiling, but it's just the opposite.

After all that, when I fail in one, it's a torture to sit in a re-test. It always starts with the feeling, that I already had flunked in this, what better can I do this time? It's not like my habit of studying has suddenly improved or somebody has just downloaded the whole course electronically in my memory.

It gets even better when I am not attending any lectures and kind of home-studying, from a crappy book with terrible mistakes, that only a 2nd Std kid is capable of.

Pretty much of a mess.

So, with the hope of passing it this time, I will get into the functional part of this blog.

Today's movie - In & Out.

Howard Brackett (Kevin Kline) is a respected and liked English professor in a small Indiana town, engaged to Emily Montgomery (Joan Cusack). His small happy world falls apart when his former student, current year's Academy award nominee Cameron Drake (Matt Dillon) announces on his award winning speech that Howard - is gay!

Students start treating him like an alien, his colleagues ridicule him, to which he tries hard to reassure that he is a completely straight person, even to his fiance. But things go out of hand when reporters storm in the city to capture anything on this huge new gimmick.

With all that pressure, and continuously failing attempts to prove himself, he finally admits that he is, in fact, a gay... shockingly, between his wedding vows! Emily runs away, so does his job.

But he still has a chance to come out with the truth one more time, in the graduation ceremony, and ask everybody if being gay is such a crime, if his years of hard work is nothing compared to his sexual orientation, if one really has to go that far to hide his true self, because people might not accept him otherwise.

A truly funny and sensible movie about gays, that got Kevin Kline a nomination for the best actor category in Golden Globe.

This was actually my second movie of Kevin Kline... and I just loved it!

Hope you do too!

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