Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 4: Spread The Joy

The blog is 4 days old now and I still am not concrete on what the blog should be about. It obviously CANNOT be based only on my daily life trash.

At this point of confession, I am going to come out with the fact that this blog is an inspiration from a movie Julie & Julia. This is based on a real-life story about Julie Powell (played by Amy Smart), whose life is a mess amongst her trashy job, terrible apartment location. Her only saving grace is her love for cooking, which inspires her to write a daily blog on Julia Child’s (played like a dream by Meryl Streep) cookbook, who changed the way American’s cooked in 1940-s. The movie shows the two women found joy in not just cooking but sharing the bliss they felt with hundreds of viewers/readers.

I know, it doesn't make any sense. I can't cook anything but MAGGI! (Don't laugh! There are so many people who can't cook MAGGI properly either!)

Anyway, the point is not about cooking. It's about sharing what we enjoy the most with others. In my case, it's the movies.

What are movies? Just a way to pass time, when you have 100 bucks to spare? A little light on thought, don't you think? What else?

Well, some will say, on certain cases, a movie is a medium to educate people on several topics. Of course, the triumph of truth, women liberation, educational revolution etc etc etc. But that's not all!

Movie can be much more beyond that, if you let it be!

Everyday we go through so many different struggles! Job problems - can't make the deadline, can't get rid of the old job, can't get a new job; household stuff - need to refill gas cylinder, milk can is empty, curtain is tearing up, wall's got a new stain; relation crisis - no quality time with family, didn't call college buddy last weekend, all you do is watch TV, come on! And then the love-life problems - don't know if she loves me back, how the hell do I bring up the breaking up topic, want to marry him but Dad says no...

...oh, just think about it!!! So many different emotions, so many different moods! And most of the time you just face it alone, because knowing what you feel and feeling what you feel are two completely different things! Sometimes, don't you wish, if somebody helped you get through this - no big advice, no heavy dialogues, just realizing, that what he/she feels is almost like you do, is enough... don't you?

I do... and that's why movies are like a source of energy to me. I am not saying that watch a lot of movies... no! But sometimes, movies do light your faces up even from a very terrible mood! They are like, medicines... only... you need to take the right pill.

For example, you are a guy who isn't that comfortable or popular with girls. Though you have a strong feeling for somebody, you still feel rejected from her. It's like she is the world to you, you can wait under the hot Tuscan sun for hours just to see a smile in her face, watching her cry makes you feel like peeling your skin up... but still, you know your existence has little significance in her life.

Well, I can't tell you what to do to make things right... I couldn't do it for myself either!

But I can give you a friend... I can give you hope... I can give you a smile for at least one whole day... I can tell you what to watch....

...watch Hitch (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0386588/)! A 2005 Will Smith film where Will Smith almost successfully tries to help guys who are not conventionally smart, to get the lady of their dreams... and almost fails, hilariously.

... that's what I want this blog to be about. That's what I want my relationship to be with my readers (if any)... that's how I want to spread the joy....

God bless us... everyone!

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